
Kid-Friendly Dining Guide

This is our guide to local restaurants that have a family-friendly atmosphere and great kids' menus!

By Nicole Melville May 30, 2024

Dining out with kids can be an adventure, and I don't know about you, but I'm not always up for adventure when I'm hungry. For my family, deciding where to go takes way longer than it should and we end up eating at the same old places. That's where this guide comes in. I am trying to do the research ahead of time, when tummies aren't rumbling, so that when they are all you have to do is open up this guide and pick a place that sounds good! 


This is a work in a progress and I will be updating it as I find restaurants that fit the bill. If you know of any that should be included, please send me a message or an e-mail and I will add them!